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After years of experience providing tax services for the largest international accounting firms, our recommendation is to not go it alone. Find a trusted, competent partner. Find a partner that is responsive and communicates clearly and one that is willing to seek help on your behalf as events may require. rinehimerbaker has the competence to properly plan and proactively handle your tax and financial issues. rinehimerbaker does the heavy lifting and hard thinking to help you make better financial choices that lead to measurably better after-tax financial results. Success. Delivered.
rinehimerbaker brings a practical approach to solving problems. We work to understand the facts surrounding the issue and then we apply the relevant law to those facts. Sometimes the law does not provide clear guidance — Congress and the IRS can’t think of everything! — and then we work with you to choose the best direction given the law and facts at hand. We provide the competence and the peace of mind to work with you to resolve filing, record keeping and other tax issues with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or other state and local taxing authorities.